Friday, October 18, 2013

Disneyland Fail.

Yesterday, Jonisan had the day off so we were brainstorming what sort of wild adventure to go on. We love days like that when we both have NOTHING going on because our possibilities are literally endless. Jonisan decided he really wanted to go to Disneyland because our passes are expiring soon and he hasn't been able to go as many times as I have. So at 6:30 a.m., he woke my sleeping beauty self up. Totally joking. I look like this when I am woken up, no lies.

By 7:15, we hit the road looking like a couple of workout instructors because basketball shorts and yoga leggings were as fancy as it was gonna get at that time of morning. Disneyland opened at 9, so we were super stoked to arrive there right when it opened and beat all the lines. We were going to be front of the line in Cars Land. We would go on every ride we wanted to and be over it by noon because we would have already ridden everything. It's Thursday, it'll be empty.

 We had big dreams. All of which didn't come true. 

We waited in a huge line just to get through the turnstyles. Then, realizing it was going to be a bit more crowded than we anticipated, I chose to haul over to the Cars fastpasses so that we could avoid waiting in line and be able to ride together, since we always go single rider and are split up. 

I got to where the fastpass distribution was, and the line curved allllllll overrrrr the park. I'm not kidding. All through the Carthay Circle area of CA Adventure, through a bunch of switchbacks, and then all the way through Hollywoodland. I looked like this.

Jonisan was in the bathroom, and I started to feel terrible because the poor boy just wanted a relaxing day at Disneyland. I soon realized I was going to have to break the news to the sweet man that without knowing, we picked what seemed to be THE MOST CROWDED DAY EVER at Disneyland. Thankfully, we have passes, so we can leave after a few hours and it doesn't really affect us, but the poor Jonjon boy took off work so that he could have a somewhat empty Disneyland day and he got the exact opposite. 

poor baby jonjon

The little pup looked so sad as we waited in the single rider line for the Cars ride. Even that was about 30 minutes long. And you don't even get to ride together. 

Usually. (now is when I would enter that emoji that looks all sly and pleased with himself). 

I think the Disney overlords felt bad for us, because we ended up getting in the same car, even though we were single riders. 

We did a couple more rides in CA adventure, and then we decided to attempt Disneyland because Indiana Jones has changed a little bit and I wanted Jonjon to see it. We got to Indiana and the line was almost back to Tarzan's Treehouse. Just a mob of people all through Adventureland. Once again, we chose to go single rider. And I don't want to go to Disney jail in case Mickey Mouse reads my blog, so lets just say we found a way to be in the same car once again. (Karma will get back to us I am sure. We have accepted it). 

The lines were just miserable, so we decided to head back to the car at noon, but not before getting one of these little beauties. Our day definitely improved at this moment. 
The most perfect Dole Whip. 

Then Jonisan spoke the most beautiful of words:

"How far is Pasadena from here?"

To most people, these words wouldn't do anything for them. But me, well, I looked like this: 
Because in Pasadena, this exists:

Gilly hicks is the most wonderful store in the world for undergarments, pjs, and workout clothes. And the closest one is in Arcadia (they just opened this one, we used to have to go to Pasadena for it). And my wonderful little honey-boo-boo gave up time in his day off to take me here. Love this guy, I tell you. He's fantastic. He sat outside patiently while I shopped.

gotta feed his pterodactyls!

We also incorporated some "chubby swag" into our day (Our lingo for when we eat ridiculously unhealthy and indulgent things but we don't let ourselves feel bad about it, we just rock it).
This was our chubby swag of choice:

It's called a "Paris Brest" (yes we giggled because we are 12 year old boys at heart) and its filled with ice cold vanilla bean custard. Don't mind if we do.

We then drove about a zillion different freeways to get back to San Diego County, but not before trying a mexican restaurant in Old Town Temecula called The Bank. Nomnomnom. 

Although the Disneyland part failed, we still had a ton of fun doing something out of the ordinary. I love this guy and the adventures we end up taking without even planning them. 


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