As soon as the clock strikes 4:50 tomorrow afternoon, I am gettin the heck out of Riverside and am going home for 11 days. Thank goodness for the wonderful time of year that is Thanksgiving break.
Unfortunately, I will have to return on December 2nd to "deadweek" (the final week of the quarter) and then finals. So this break will definitely consist of some work. But seriously, doing homework from home is so much better than doing it from a dorm room. At home I can snuggle a puppy with an underbite whilst I study. She keeps an eye on me to make sure I am focusing.
Does school have that? uhhh, nope. School is just a concrete prison holding room until I can go home again.
*our actual dorm room. there's me laying down.
Anyways, a week from Thursday, as most of you know (or are counting down to like me), is the most delicious day on the calendar. Mashed potatoes, brussel sprouts, and flaky Pillsbury rolls, smothered in butter, plate after plate. I am drooling just thinking about it.
*me, again.
If you know my family, you know our Thanksgiving will look a little less like this:
and a little more like this:
*there is me, confused with my lollipop, because I do not understand the rules of football at all.
Because half of the people in attendance will be managing their fantasy football scores (myself included...4th place baybay!).
We will be thankful and happy, nonetheless, because we will be together. Eating off of tv trays and screaming at the screen because fat men are running from eachother. What a splendid day it shall be.
x o x o
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