Monday, November 11, 2013

Silver Linings

There are few people in the world that I would give up my days off to do mundane errands for. Very, very, very few. Like maybe four people in the entire world.

Does that make me selfish? Yes.  I think it is a flaw from being the youngest child. I'm workin on it.

One of my current personal goals is to find the silver lining in not so pleasant situations in my life. Mainly because I have a tendency to be a total pessimist. 

On Friday morning, this hunk of burning love woke me from my wonderous i-have-absolutely-no-responsibilities-today slumber at 8:30 a.m.

*this also is most likely how I looked when I awoke.

His reason for waking me? He needed an oil change but had work from 9-6. Reluctantly, I emerged from my marshmallow bed (i'll post a picture of it sometime, its' comfiness is unreal) and decided I would be helpful even though the thought of spending my day at an auto shop sounded dreadful. 

This oil change was sent from above to test me and my goal of finding the silver lining in life. It took over TWO HOURS.  I was told it wouldn't be more than 30 minutes. 

The silver lining was actually quite simple to find, though...two hours with no internet and no car forced me to write a five page book report and get ahead on all my weekend homework! I actually felt thankful that the oil change took so long. 

silver lining, check

Look at me being all optimistic...who the heck am I? I am the most pessimistic individual on the planet. Again, I'm workin on it, guys, workin on it. 

Other silver lining? I got the opportunity to help out this wonderful person. He does so much for me and sometimes I feel undeserving. Even though taking his car to get an oil change is a small little thing, he was extremely grateful and thanked me multiple times over the weekend for helping him out. 

I came back from this weekend feeling prepared for monday without a drop of homework to do, all because of a ridiculously long oil change.  It was a fantastic feeling to be able to lay in bed and watch How I Met Your Mother til midnight, rather than powering out homework that I procrastinated all weekend long. 

And putting a smile on that face is seriously worth any task in the entire world, no matter how boring.


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