Wednesday, November 27, 2013

thankgivins eve

Tomorrow is the big turkey day, so in true McCary fashion, we will be shopping at the very last minute. We love the thrill of time running out and coming down to the wire.....not. We just are too busy to get ready any earlier. Sue us.

This break has been a bit stressful so far, with work almost every morning and then working on a psychology paper (thank you psychology professor who has taken pity on the fact that I didn't do so hot during the quarter and is letting me make up for it with a very long research paper). I complain that it is 6 pages single spaced, but in all honesty, it's my fault for not doing better throughout the quarter. Shame on me.

So with two pages left to go on that, today will mostly be spent typing. But I am hoping to jam it out quick and be able to decorate a little bit for tomorrow. We hardly ever have Thanksgiving at our house and although it isn't going to be super formal, I am thinkin some fireplace decor might be precious.  Pinterest, as usual, makes me feel like I can magically turn into Martha Stewart herself. So as of right now, I am inspired to try and do a little spin off of these little beauties:

stay tuned to see if 
a. I actually make one. 
b. they look ridiculous or not. 
c. Fact: It will look ridiculous because I am the least crafty individual on the planet. 

x o x o

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